Looking to set up a will or estate plan or to contribute to the Foundation?
Contact Mr. Bohl at cbohl@fvlhs.org.
On February 26, FVL’s General Board was introduced to the 2024-25 budget. Key elements in the budget process include enrollment projections, staffing decisions, and church commitments for the upcoming year. Next year’s enrollment is projected at 775 students. Budget approval is planned for the May meeting, when we will have a more accurate picture of enrollment and budget figures. A tuition increase of 3.5% was approved. We are very thankful that increased congregational giving to FVL's operating budget has helped keep this tuition increase minimal, considering inflation rates are around 8%. In this budget preview, the Federation churches would support just over 11% of the cost of operating the high school.
Construction continues on the Timothy Trout Sports Center. We are excited to watch the walls going up! Visit fvlhs.org/site-plan to see construction photos, a link to needed interior furnishings, and renderings of this project.
Please consider helping us reach the $20,000 matching fund for our new organ.
Your gift makes a difference!
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Fox Valley Lutheran HS
5300 N. Meade Street, Appleton, WI
Fox Valley Lutheran High School
5300 N. Meade Street
Appleton, WI 54913-8383
The FVL BEACON is published two times a year by Fox Valley Lutheran High School