Looking for a great way to share the Gospel and learn about a different culture? Consider hosting an international student!
There are at least 25 international students who are waiting to hear whether or not they can attend FVL because they do not yet have hosts. Applicants are from China, South Korea, Spain, Germany, Italy, Thailand, and France.
Students pay their own expenses, and host families receive a stipend to offset costs. Without host families, this ministry is not possible, and we lose the chance to share the Gospel with these students.
Email Monica Uhlenbrauck at
for more information on these or other new international students.
International students and their mentors on a photography scavenger hunt around FVL.
International students and their mentors playing board games.
Check out our
FAQ about hosting, submit a hosting application
on the website
or contact International Program Director
Monica Uhlenbrauck
with your questions.
Fox Valley Lutheran High School
5300 N. Meade Street
Appleton, WI 54913-8383
The FVL BEACON is published two times a year by Fox Valley Lutheran High School