Photo of those installed this year from left to right:
Aleah Friemark, Tyler Dorn, Amy Gilmet, Ben Perushek, Jackie Gawel, Tommy Stelter, Heidi Wendland, Rev. Steve Lehmann
Media Coordinator &
Digital Communications Teacher
Assistant Dean of Student Life
Culinary Arts &
Geography Teacher
Math Teacher
Mission Advancement
Personal Finance
Mission Advancement Assistant
Mr. Tyler Dorn, hired last year as our Media Coordinator, has now been called to that position and teaches Digital Communications as well. Mrs. Amy Gilmet has accepted a call to serve as the school’s new Assistant Dean of Student Life. Mr. Tom Guenterberg is no longer working in Guidance, and is now teaching Culinary Arts along with Geography. Similarly, Dr. Katie Luebke has moved from English to Math. Mr. Jay Wendland is teaching Personal Finance in addition to his Mission Advancement work. Finally, Mrs. Jenny Koch has moved from the Business Office to fill the Mission Advancement Assistant position.
Mrs. Kristen Zuberbier (below left) is one of our new Guidance Counselors. Additionally Mrs. Amanda Voight (below right) is working as a part-time Guidance Assistant.
Also new to our Guidance Office are called workers, Mrs. Aleah Friemark and Mrs. Heidi Wendland, both serving as Counselors. The English Department is seeing some change with the introduction of Mr. Tommy Stelter, Mr. Ben Perushek, and Mrs. Jackie Gawel, who is also primarily teaching Spanish classes. Finally Rev. Steve Lehmann is joining our team of campus pastors.
We pray the Lord blesses the work of all these individuals as they serve God and this school.
Fox Valley Lutheran High School
5300 N. Meade Street
Appleton, WI 54913-8383
The FVL BEACON is published two times a year by Fox Valley Lutheran High School