FVL families continue to benefit from the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP). The application deadline for the 2023-24 school year is April 20.
This state program gives parents the opportunity to have their child’s high school education fully funded. Go to fvlhs.org for income guidelines and the online application. This year, 242 students received vouchers. New students are eligible if they are entering grade 9, or are transferring from public schools or homeschooling. Current WPCP families must complete the online application each year to confirm their residency. Questions? Contact Mrs. Heather Knoll via email hknoll@fvlhs.org or phone 920-560-5102.
The majority of our FVL Schools partners are also participating in the WPCP program.
FVL is our choice for the academics and Christ centered learning.
Ladies Guild Memorial Scholarships of up to $500 will be awarded to new freshmen or incoming upperclassmen who demonstrate financial need and a love of Christian education. You can find this application on the website (fvlhs.org/LG-Mem-Scholarship). Neither WPCP nor SNSP students are eligible as they already have their tuition funded. The application deadline is April 20.
Families with financial needs are encouraged to apply for tuition assistance. Applications are submitted through FVL's FACTS program. Go to fvlhs.org/WPCP to find eligibility info. The deadline is April 20. This year, over 50% of FVL students received financial aid either through WPCP, SNSP, or FVL's Tuition Assistance Program.
This year, over 50% of FVL students received financial aid through WPCP, SNSP, or FVL's Tuition Assistance Program.
Fox Valley Lutheran High School
5300 N. Meade Street
Appleton, WI 54913-8383
The FVL BEACON is published two times a year by Fox Valley Lutheran High School